Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Night Grouch

Ahh.. sometimes this life is funny...
Never get enough for what you already have..
but when you realize it's already too late.. it's too late to be not greedy..

Sometimes this life is sucks...
Yes, that's word always come from our mouth when we never got what we want..
and when we feel the deepest crestfallen because of we're flying too high..

This life's never be easy and unpredicted by us..
So don't just become a grouchy people that only grouching, try too be grateful..
'cause you'll see the real meaning of pain and happiness clearly.. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Past and The Power of Love

Sometimes we miss our life in the past but sometimes we hate it too..
Sometimes we will remember it endlessly but most of them will forgotten...
Sometimes we said we won't change but in fact there's a lot of change...
And sometimes we also said we won't lie again in future but from that time we said that words we already lying...

So many feeling that we felt in the past and so many things that we got in the past..

Even you become a hater or hated.. hurt nor harmed.. like or preferred... betrayer or betrayed.. but all of  that based on love..
That's why God made LOVE, because love make everything beautiful and love never die...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SHS and College

Hello fellas hw's ur day ? That must be great... ;)
Ga kerasa udah setun lebih ga ng'post apapun di blog ini, karena waktu tersikat habis sama kesibukan sekolah menjelang ujian... fiuh...

Ga kerasa juga sekarang udah lulus dari sekolah, dan bakal kuliah...
That must be different from shs... *absolutely dear*

Saking parnonya kdang suka tanya sama diri sendiri... I can face it, can't I ? And sometimes my brain just show up the possible-worst-things can happen at my next studies...

Mungkin hal itu dikarenakan belum terlalu mengenal aja tentang dunia perkuliahan, hahahahahaha...
Yah yang penting skrg aku bs lulus dengan nilai UN yg cukup memuaskan dan asuk ke univ yang aku ingini *actually my mom n pap wish* walau jurusannya ga sesuai yang aku rencanain dlu, karena emang aku udah ngelepas jurusan yang aku dulu pengenin... ahahahaha

Ga ada lagi sih yg mau ak shar, cuma rasanya kangen aja ng'post d blog ini...
Semuanya pasti baik deh...
I know i can do it, jut let it flow, dare to face it, and love it !! Never give up guys !!
Ok I'll see y'all soon !! Sayonara~